
Litigation, Laws, and Accountability

Redistricting and other state cases

Redistricting and other election-related cases have been progressing in multiple states. These resources help explain these circumstances and the status of the actions.

  • Brennan Center: Alabama’s Congressional Map Struck Down as Discriminatory — Again
  • State Democracy Research Initiative of U Wisconsin Law School Explainer: Judicial Recusal in Wisconsin and Beyond
    • Shortly after being election to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Justice Janet Protasiewicz faces calls to recuse from two pending lawsuits. This Explainer provides legal and practical context, standards, and examples around the country to understand this high-stakes controversy.
  • The Wisconsin Attorney General, Josh Kaul, has filed a lawsuit to block the attempt by legislative Republicans in the state Senate to remove Meghan Wolfe, the nonpartisan administrator of the WI Election Commission since 2019. Meagan has effectively overseen free and fair elections during her term but has repeatedly been a target for baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. Read more here.