
Kathy Boockvar Signs Brennan Center Amicus Brief

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ICYMI – Kathy Boockvar was pleased to sign on to an amicus brief submitted to the United States Supreme Court by the Brennan Center for Justice on behalf of a bi-partisan group of current and former election officials that also includes Seth Bluestein, Edgardo Cortes, Lisa Deeley, Mark Earley, Neal Kelley, Trey Grayson, and DeForest B. Soaries.

The brief filed in Murthy v. Missouri urges the Supreme Court to affirm government officials’ ability to communicate with social media companies – and vice versa – about inaccurate information and threats on social media platforms. False information about elections and doxing and intimidation of election officials continue to proliferate online, and are exacerbated by global political instability, AI, and overseas adversaries. 

Election and government officials at every level are critical in identifying these, providing accurate information, correcting false content, and reporting threats of violence and intimidation. This is crucial for social media companies to be able to make informed decisions, and for election officials to fulfill their duties to ensure free and fair elections and protect the safety of election workers, voters, and election infrastructure.

You can read the amicus brief here.