A potential federal shutdown is yet another thing for election officials to worry about

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Athena Strategies President Kathy Boockvar recently spoke with Votebeat about the implications of a government shutdown on voting and the electoral process. Drawing from her experiences as Pennsylvania Secretary of State during the 2019 U.S. government shutdown, Boockvar described how Pennsylvania was at a critical point in the process of certifying new voting systems as … Read more

Hochul signs election rights laws expanding early voting, faces immediate Republican opposition

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Athena Strategies President Kathy Boockvar was proud to support and attend New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s voting rights bill signing ceremony this week, enacting a series of election reform measures that will give NY voters more options on how to vote. After the ceremony, Boockvar spoke with NNY360 about this slate of election laws, including … Read more

New York set to expand early voting by mail — but legal challenges are likely

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In a recent interview with Gothamist, Athena Strategies President Kathy Boockvar discussed New York’s new legislation to expand voting access by allowing any registered voter to cast an early ballot by mail. She drew on her experience leading the implementation of similar new provisions passed in Pennsylvania in 2019, which allowed all qualified Pennsylvania voters … Read more

Georgia indicted Trump for trying to overturn the 2020 election. Why hasn’t any other state?

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Athena Strategies President Kathy Boockvar recently spoke with Business Insider to discuss the indictments relating to the 2020 election. She talked about her experiences as PA Secretary of State and the impact of the intentional spreading of false information about the election, and how this led to threats and intimidation of election workers across the … Read more

Athena Strategies Joins Civic Alliance

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Athena Strategies is proud to join the Civic Alliance, a nonpartisan coalition of businesses committed to cultivating a thriving, engaged democracy. The Civic Alliance empowers businesses to engage and educate citizens to vote and take part in civic participation – year round and every year. We champion secure and accessible elections and a resilient democracy, … Read more

Center for Democracy & Technology Releases Report – Towards Better Post-Election Audits

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The Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT) published a new report this week on post-election audits and how to expand their effectiveness in bolstering trust in elections. Athena Strategies President Kathy Boockvar was pleased to participate in the workgroup of national election experts that met earlier this year to help identify these issues and strategies. … Read more

#SimplePolitics with Kim Wehle and Special Guest Kathy Boockvar

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Athena Strategies President Kathy Boockvar recently joined Kim Wehle on her Instagram Live series #SimplePolitics. Kathy discussed her experience as PA Secretary of State during the 2020 election, the effects of disinformation on the electoral process, and the Moore v. Harper Supreme Court Decision. She also provided insights and resources to help inform and strengthen … Read more

How the far right tore apart one of the best tools to fight voter fraud

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Athena Strategies President Kathy Boockvar recently sat down with NPR Weekend Edition to discuss the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) and the recent controversies it has been facing. Kathy spoke about the history of ERIC, which is an important nonpartisan election resource that helps ensure election security and integrity. Listen to the full interview here.

How the far right tore apart one of the best tools to fight voter fraud

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Athena Strategies President Kathy Boockvar was interviewed recently by NPR about the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) and the recent unfounded controversies it has been facing. Kathy spoke about the history of ERIC, an important election security and integrity nonpartisan resource that helps election officials keep voter rolls updated and helps prevent double voting – … Read more

A Pa. county defied the courts to hunt for 2020 voter fraud. Here’s what happened next.

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Kathy recently spoke with the USA Today Network about Athena Strategy’s mission to strengthen election security and promote America’s declining civil discourse about voting, and the critical need to combat disinformation, attacks on democracy, and the erosion of trust of our electoral system. Kathy noted that disinformation “has been the basis for a lot of … Read more