
Athena Strategies collects helpful resources such as tools, fact sheets, guidance, and templates for use by election and other government officials, voters, partners, and other interested parties. These resources focus on election security, voting rights, and amplifying understanding and civil discourse about elections in the U.S. If you have a suggested resource for inclusion, please contact us.

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Committee of Seventy Can We Talk? Program

Committee of 70 has created a program in conjunction with the PA Project for Civic Engagement to help facilitate thoughtful, productive dialogue across political and other divides.

The Global Cyber Alliance Toolkit

The Global Cyber Alliance (GCA) Cybersecurity Toolkit for Elections provides free and effective tools to improve the cybersecurity and integrity of our elections.

National Institute for Civil Discourse

NICD is a non-partisan organization based at the University of Arizona, working to promote civic discourse and reduce partisan divide.


Doxing is the publishing of an individual’s personal information (PII)—or an organization’s sensitive information— from open source or compromised material and publishing it online for malicious purposes. This can also increase the risk of physical threats and intimidation.

Issue One – The High Cost of High Turnover

This Issue One survey and report notes the harrowing number of election officials who have left their posts since the 2020 election.

Brennan Center – Poll of Election Officials Shows High Turnover Amid Safety Threats and Political Interference

A survey from the Brennan Center indicates that local election officials all over the United States continue to leave their positions, largely as a consequence of targeted extremist election lies and threats and harassment of election officials – combined with lack of adequate funding and concerning political interference.

NCSL Brief: Election Administration at State and Local Levels

The National Conference of State Legislatures created this Brief giving an overview of election administration at the state and local levels.

Contingency Planning

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) has developed these Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) templates and guidance to help election officials and other government officials compile information to maintain their office’s ability to continue their operations, no matter what may happen, even during a crisis.

AI and the Future of our Elections – U.S. Senate Rules & Administration Committee hearing, 9/27/23

Hearing before the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, which has oversight over federal elections.

Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) – Broadening Youth Voting

The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts University conducts research that highlights the importance of engaging younger voters and addressing disparities in youth voter turnout.