Law Enforcement Searching for New Ways to Protect Elections

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Athena Strategies President Kathy Boockvar spoke with StateScoop about the importance of collaborative cross-sector efforts of law enforcement and election officials to strengthen security for voters and election workers alike, and provide election officials with the resources they need.   Read the full story here.

Election Worker Safety a Priority Ahead of 2022 Midterms


In a joint interview with Commissioner Ben Hovland of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission ahead of the 2022 midterm election, Athena Strategies President Kathy Boockvar spoke on the importance of protecting election workers. As Kathy stated, “We need to have their backs just like they have ours.” Read the full story here.

The Conservative Case that Trump Lost and Biden Won the 2020 Presidential Election

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Read this report written in 2022 by prominent political conservative experts, who were so troubled by the continuing conspiracies and allegations of the 2020 election being “stolen,” that they examined in great detail all the most substantial allegations of wrongdoing across the country. These conservative experts report the detailed results of their investigations, and came … Read more

County Election Systems Just Got a (Simulated) Stress Test

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StateScoop shares a story about an election security tabletop exercise which Kathy Boockvar helped plan and lead at the National Association of Counties (NACo) conference, helping counties develop continuity-of-operations and incident response plans when preparing for elections, as well as building cross-sector collaboration. Read the full story here.

Pennsylvania’s Former Top Voting Official Debunks Misinformation in Real Time at Election Forum

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Athena Strategies President Kathy Boockvar participated on a panel with other election experts covering a range of topics in the election security, disinformation, and threats against election officials realms. Read about Kathy’s correcting disinformation in real time during the panel, and their discussion of the many layers of security and reconciliation that go into elections, … Read more